Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Anjuli Barber
Business Education
Alan Shives
Automotive Technology
Bill Pelton
Construction Trades
Shelby Oliver
Allied Health
Bruce Shipley
Welding Instructor
Open Position
Aubrey HIggens
Veterinary Assistant Instructor
Kathy Gable
Family/Consumer Science Teacher
717-485-3195 x1200
Terry Bard
HS Principal
Annette Barnett
Special Education Secretary
Catharine Carbaugh
HS English Teacher
717-485-3195 x1206
Alice Clark
MS / HS Attendance Secretary
Jacob Corl
HS Science Teacher
717-485-3195 x1508
Levi Natkins
Biology Teacher
717-485-3195 x1510
Bradley Dickerson
Art Teacher
717-485-3195 x1201
Joni Knepper
HS Math Teacher
717-485-3195 x1500
Donna Fisher
Guidance Secretary
David Garland
Gym Teacher
717-485-3195 x1007
Donnie Gordon
HS Math Teacher
717-485-3195 x1503
Kellyn Perry
Gym Teacher