Superintendent's Message

Christina Ramsey

August 18, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
With the start of school just a few days away, we are excited to welcome our students back into our buildings and classrooms for full time, in-person learning. This is just a reminder that our first day of school for students is Wednesday, August 24th. We have been busy all summer preparing for the 2022-23 school year and are ready for the students to return. Our goal is to continue to keep the lines of communication open and to provide families with the support needed to make your child/children successful at Central Fulton School District. Because of grant funding, we have been able to make the following changes:
Free Breakfast and Lunch for students–Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program–This allows students to get one free breakfast and one free lunch per day. It does not include free A La Carte items.
Development of a free After 3 Program (after school tutoring program) which will begin Monday, September 12th in conjunction with the Family Partnership. The program will run Monday - Thursday from 2:50 pm until 5:30 pm. Click here to register: After 3 Program Sign Up
Brand new school district website ( and a CFSD App. We hope this will keep you up to date with events in the district.
More information will be coming VERY SOON on how to download and use the app
New sound systems installed in the Elementary and MS/HS Gymnasiums
New lighting project completed (indoors and outdoors)
MS/HS Outdoor classroom ready for use (still a few things to finalize)--in the main courtyard by the main office
New Elementary gym floor
The district is working on possibly purchasing a couple of buses to assist with emergency transportation and also to assist with transporting to and from sporting events, field trips, and extra-curricular activities. This is to assist contractors who are struggling to find drivers to drive to these events.
Our Health & Safety Plan remains the same as last year.
We are:
Allowing masks to be optional
Encouraging frequent hand washing
Encouraging the use of hand sanitizer
Continuing to use the air purifiers that were placed in each classroom
Encouraging the sanitizing of classroom desks
Keeping students at home if symptoms develop
Test at home if you have symptoms
If you test positive, quarantine for at least 5 days or until symptom free, then mask for 5 days
Not contact tracing within the school (same as last year).
If any individual reports being a close contact, they will mask for 10 days whether they are vaccinated or not. This will be handled by the nursing staff. Close contacts are no longer required to quarantine as per PA DOH and CDC.
Custodians will sanitize surface areas in the classroom if a student/teacher that has been in the classroom tests positive within the last 24 hours. (Last year it was 48 hours)
All of our Covid procedures are the same as when we left in June, but I wanted to give you a quick refresher as we move into the new year. Our school nursing staff, Hillary Alexander and Deb Tucker, will be handling Covid issues as they did last year and will keep us updated as things change.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding how you should handle a Covid situation, please call our Covid Hotline at (717) 485- 7064. Thank you, in advance, for working together with the district to keep the lines of communication open as well as the doors to our school. This constant and upfront communication will help to ensure that we keep our students, staff, and families safe.
Let’s make this a fun-filled, educational year full of many memories!
Dr. Christina J. Ramsey
Superintendent of Schools
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